Cancer Part 1


Cancer. What is cancer? People know that cancer is a bad disease that affects a lot of children and adults every year, and sometimes even kills them. Still, a lot of us don’t know how it affects the body. That’s why I’m here to talk to you about cancer and all the types of cancer. Cancer is when the cells in your body start to duplicate faster than they are meant to. This means you will have more cells than someone who doesn’t have cancer. This may sound good, but naturally, this is bad for your body. Cells make up the human body and all its organs. When we have more cells, what does our body do with them? Our body creates things called tumors,  which are formed from the cells that duplicated faster. Unfortunately, cancer is a malignant tumor, which means it can spread towards other organs in the body. Cancer is a very bad disease that can affect someone’s body. In my next blog I will be talking about cancer and the different types of cancer. Until then, I will see you next time.

The video from where I got the information from: