Epidemiology Part 1

Epidemiology is the study of patterns, causes, and effects of health and disease conditions in populations. This is the study of how disease’s affect populations. Epidemiologist, people who study Epidemiology, are the ones who study, collect, and design cures or causes for diseases. One huge factor that Epidemiologist rely on is their scientific disciplines. Scientific disciplines include Biology. Cancer Biology, Cell Biology, etc. They use scientific disciplines to better understand disease processes. One other factor that Epidemiologist rely on is statistics. They use statistics to make efficient use of data and make appropriate conclusions or predictions. Also, Epidemiologist also use social science to draw their conclusions. Epidemiologist use a lot of their resources to discover new cures for certain diseases. In my next blog, learn more about what Epidemiologist do to find cures for diseases



Holy Man Part 1

Once upon a time, there was a very sick man living. This man had stage 4 lung cancer. A lot of doctors predicted he was going to die. Until one day, the man was sleeping and he heard Jesus calling him. When the man woke up next morning, he said he heard Jesus talking to him but he didn’t remember what he said. Fortunately, the doctors were going to do tests on the man the next day and the doctors discovered the man didn’t have cancer. Also, when he was sleeping, hospital workers reported seeing the man floating on the bed. When the hospital workers woke up the man, the man was completely oblivious to what happened. After the man heard the story about himself floating,  he wanted to try out if he could really float. He went on the roof of the Hospital and he tested his powers.  Some people reported seeing the man flying from the Hospital building. From this point on, this man known as Holy man.


Cancer Part 1


Cancer. What is cancer? People know that cancer is a bad disease that affects a lot of children and adults every year, and sometimes even kills them. Still, a lot of us don’t know how it affects the body. That’s why I’m here to talk to you about cancer and all the types of cancer. Cancer is when the cells in your body start to duplicate faster than they are meant to. This means you will have more cells than someone who doesn’t have cancer. This may sound good, but naturally, this is bad for your body. Cells make up the human body and all its organs. When we have more cells, what does our body do with them? Our body creates things called tumors,  which are formed from the cells that duplicated faster. Unfortunately, cancer is a malignant tumor, which means it can spread towards other organs in the body. Cancer is a very bad disease that can affect someone’s body. In my next blog I will be talking about cancer and the different types of cancer. Until then, I will see you next time.


The video from where I got the information from:



DNA part 1

DNA? What is DNA a lot of kids will ask. Kids don’t understand what the word DNA means when they first hear it. Well, in short words, DNA means Deoxyribo nucleic acid. In your head that might sound like a whole new subject to you, but honestly, it’s the acid your body is made of. Yeah, you heard me right. DNA  makes up our whole body. Cells make up our body, with a nucleus inside of those cells. Chromosomes are located in the nucleus, but DNA makes up the chromosome. There are three steps in DNA replication. Step 1. Two sides of a DNA molecule unzip. Step 2. Nitrogen bases in the cell nucleus pair up with the bases on the DNA  halves. Step 3. Two new identical DNA molecules are formed. You might be confused on some of the vocab terms I just mentioned for DNA replication, but it won’t be complicated anymore after I talk about it in my next blog of DNA.



Most people don’t know what arthritis is. When we hear the word arthritis, we ask ourselves what is it? In simple words, arthritis is a disease that affects the joints connecting a human skeleton. Some of the symptoms are joint pain and stiffness. You may hear a pianist use the term arthritis because since they tap the piano board so much, their fingers can get very sore and stiff. This is what causes arthritis to occur in joints. Some of your joints can get very stiff after using them for a while without resting them. Arthritis can also affect other organs in your body.

There are over 100 types of arthritis, but the most common type of arthritis is osteoarthritis (degenerative joint disease) and rheumatoid arthritis. Osteoarthritis usually affects someone as they get older. Osteoarthritis affects the fingers, knees, and hips. Rheumatoid arthritis usually is a disorder that affects the hands and feet. Rheumatoid arthritis can affect someone’s body at any age. It doesn’t matter how old someone is. There are many types of arthritis that can make someone’s life impossible. That’s why it is important to take these diseases seriously and help those who have it.


Picture 1

The story of the super natural man part 2

From this moment on, this man’s diseases were cured and he became known as the super natural man. He was able to fly, he was very strong, and he was able to sense any light or waves of energy from far away. These super powers were only something God could explain. All these powers affected the man in a good way because it healed the damage the disease caused to all of the man’s human body systems. Also, the man’s human body systems were working together just like any normal human body systems. This man was able to save others from  robberies and criminals trying to hurt someone. Also, this man was able to save others from diseases and possible illnesses or bacteria in the environment. This man would sooner or later be called Super Natural Man.


Super Natural Man



Breaking your bones

All of us have eventually fallen on the ground one time and broken a bone.When we break a bone we don’t literally break the bone in half, we just damage it a little bit. This means are bone has to heal and can’t move for a period of time. You know when you get a cast to protect your bones, well the cast is also used to support your bone while it’s resting. Casts are a huge contributor to us when we damage our bones. They are almost like a substitute for our bones. When we need help, casts help us.

The Story of the Super Natural Man part 1

There was once a story of a man that was really sick and had lung cancer. This man was sick to the point he was going to die. His bones were so wrinkly, it was hard for him to breathe, and he could barely talk. Until one day, the man found a gem in his backyard that looked very bright and it looked like a prism. The man touched the gem, and after he did he was healed again, but not only he was healed, he gained super natural powers. This means he gained powers that even scientist couldn’t explain how he got them. This man would turn out to be one of the very few people that was saved by God.


The super natural gem the man touched





The Skeletal System and its bones

The skeletal system is one of our 11 human body systems.The skeletal system has 2 functions: to produce blood cells and to protect our organs inside our body. The skeletal system protects our internal organs with something called bones. The skeletal system is made up of many different bones in different areas of our body. Are bones are connected to things called joints. There are 5 types of different joints that connect different bones together. The names of these 5 different joints are the hinge, pivot, ball and socket, gliding, and immovable joint. These joints are very strong and connect to our bones even when we fall. Any time we fall to the floor or trip, our skeletal system takes the impact from the fall and protects our internal organs.

There are joints and bones scattered all over our body and skeletal system. One of our main bones is the skull. The skull is an immovable joint. This means it can’t move, turn or move forward/backward, but that doesn’t mean it is completely useless. The skull protects our brain from any damage. Any time we fall and hit our forehead, our skull protects our brain from any of the damage and the skull takes it instead. Our skull is one of our main bones and one of the most known bones in our body. The skeletal system contains a lot of bones and things we haven’t uncovered yet, but the skeletal system has a lot of functions and it contributes to everyday things we do.



Introduction to Human Body Systems

Have you ever wondered about how your body is developed and how it works together? Well, I can answer that question by telling you it has to do with your Human Body Systems. Human Body Systems are one of the things that help us reason, do every day things, and to find God. The human body is divided into 11 different systems that are unique in their own way, but all work together to help us do every day things. The Human Body Systems help us maintain something called Homeostasis. Homeostasis is the ability to maintain normality. This means it is the ability to be normal just like other people. Our Human Body Systems help us live our daily lives and maintain normality. Our Human Body Systems are a huge part of our life and how we function every day.